Oct 24, 2012

Kin'iro no Corda / La Corda D'Oro / 金色のコルダ

The Hoshisou High School has a tradition of two different classes. They are seperated into ordinary classes and music classes.

One day, the second-year student Kahoko Hino, who applies the ordinary classes, meets Lily, the music fairy, who gives her a magic violin. Afterwards she is being nominated for a music contest in the school.

Thus her step into the music world begins as she interacts with the other contestants. The whereabouts of love, friendship, and the contest that surrounds all of it but also rivalry and intrigue, all of that awaits her before she can finally reach her newfound dream.

GenresComedy, Drama, Fantasy, Love Polygon, Magic, Music, Reverse Harem, Otome Game, Romance, School Life, Shoujo

Manga Status:
Kiniro no Corda (2004) / 17 Volumes (Complete), by KURE Yuki

Anime Status:
Kin`iro no Chord: Primo Passo (02.10.2006 till 26.03.2007) / TV Series, 25 episodes
Kin`iro no Chord: Secondo Passo ( 27.03.2009 till 05.06.2009) / TV Special, 2 episodes

Amou Nami / 天羽菜美 - February 09

 * Wiki (en) * Wiki (jp) * aniDB * MAL (Anime) * MangaUpdates * MAL (Manga) * VNDB * Getchu *

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